
Prairie Bluffs Mission Center

Prairie Bluffs Mission Center is a fellowship of 22 Community of Christ congregations serving Western Iowa and Eastern Nebraska. Community of Christ is an international community of faith where all are welcome. We proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace.

A Note from Noel

“Easter Gladness: Past, Present, and Future”

Christ is Risen! We are an Easter people… believing that God is God of life, not of death. In Christ, God’s love finally will overcome all that demeans and degrades the creation, even death itself. Easter gives us hope that the tragic suffering and death of victims, throughout history, is not the last word. We believe the Holy Spirit will transform all creation to share the glory of God.   from “We Share Basic Beliefs”, Sharing in Community of Christ

With Easter rapidly approaching, my mind keeps wandering into the wonderful realm of memory. In one of my favorite memories Alison and our “little ones” are decorating Easter eggs. I am taking pictures trying to hold onto this moment. In another memory my siblings and I are “little ones” happily decorating Easter eggs with our cousins around our grandparent’s kitchen table. (My dad is probably taking pictures and trying to hold onto the moment, but I don’t specifically remember that part.)

My grandparents’ house was sold many years ago, and the house I grew up in was demolished (at my instruction no less). Some special places from my personal history are gone. They’ve either passed to others or made way for something new. And sometimes thinking about good times past really hurts because I know it’s gone. While I carry memories and experiences of family and faith, I can’t go back. What I can do is live in the present moment. What I can do is share the love I’ve experienced. What I can do is carry the precious memories and traditions into the future. It is my choice, but I can choose to live and share Easter gladness, or not.

Family, tradition, and faith have made many Easter experiences special. Whether decorating eggs, egg hunting, attending worship service, or sharing an Easter meal with loved ones; I know I’ve been blessed beyond measure. And sometimes I wish I could go back and re-live the past. But I can’t go back, and so… I hang on to these memories. And I try to recreate and share similar traditions and experiences with those I love. And I try to carry the traditions and experiences of Easter gladness into the future. My memories strengthen me. For in remembering, I know life has been lived. And life calls me, not to the past but, to the future. God, through the gift and power of Jesus Christ, is calling me into the future. God calls all of us into a beautiful and hope-filled future, where Easter gladness gives us divine assurance of God’s eternal love.

Easter is a time for joy and celebration. It is the promise of new life in Christ. It is a reminder of the enduring faith of those who’ve gone before us, and it is hope for the future assured of God’s great love and call. Our commitment and purpose as members of Community of Christ is to live and share our Easter gladness. And when we are struggling, we can hold onto this Easter gladness knowing God loves and cares for us – especially when we are walking thru the dark valleys of life. I’m reminded of the hymn, “Jesus walked that lonesome valley.” The second verse says, “We must walk that lonesome valley.” And the third verse says, “We must stand and face our trials.” Yet, Easter

Our history is rich with stories of resilience, compassion, and community – values that are as relevant today as they were when our journey began. This season, I encourage each of you to hold those values close. Let’s remember to show compassion to those in need, to offer support to our neighbors, and to create a community where all are welcome. Just as Christ’s resurrection gives us hope, let us be a source of hope to those around us. In these times, when the world can seem uncertain, let’s remember the blessings that life offers. The beauty of a shared meal, the laughter of children playing, the comfort of being part of a community that cares – these are the everyday miracles that enrich our lives. Easter reminds us that renewal is always possible, that love can overcome any obstacle, and that hope is never in vain.

As we celebrate Easter, let’s also look forward to the journey ahead. Let’s stay strong in our faith, dedicated to our mission, and open to the endless possibilities that faith in Christ brings. Let’s continue to build on our history, to live our values boldly, and to walk together in peace and love.

May this Easter season fill your hearts with joy, your homes with love, and your spirits with the enduring hope of Christ’s resurrection. Together, let’s embrace the promise of new beginnings and the endless potential of our shared journey.

With warmest Easter wishes,

Noel Sherer

Community of Christ

Prairie Bluffs Mission Center President and Financial Officer


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